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Essential Oil of the Month July 2016

In writing the tarot forecasts for July, I thought it might to be a good idea to do an essential oil of the month as well. Each month, I will highlight an essential oil for the month and note its physical, emotional, and spiritual properties. Wild Orange The Oil of Abundance It put a smile … Continued

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New Beginner’s Tarot Classes Now Forming San Francisco and East Bay Locations

Unlock your psychic and intuitive gifts and understand the basics of reading the tarot cards. Basic Tarot is offered in 3 class sections which can be purchased individually for $229 or as a package for $499 (a $188 savings). Each class expands your knowledge of the Tarot, and will also enhance your intuitive abilities. Classes are always a … Continued

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Emergence Healing Arts is Now ROHA Center for the Healing Arts

Effective July 1, 2016 Emergence Healing Arts Studio will change hands and formally have a new name: ROHA Center for the Healing Arts. This is the vision of Dr. Zohreh Sadeghi Ay.D who will formally take the helm of our center. Zohreh is a doctor of Ayurvedic medicine. In addition to her practice, we have … Continued

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COVID-19 Announcement


Due to Shelter In Place orders in response to the Coronavirus emergency, consultations will be conducted by phone and video chat only until further notice!

schedule an appointment, today!