Our final messenger for the month of August is also from the suit of Rods; the cards for all three forecasts this month have been from the suit or rods.
The 4 of Rods is a card of tremendous stability, and harmony, and represents projects or cycles completed with great success and the celebration of the fruits of one’s labors, which are a helpful aid in fueling even more success.
Seemingly, the theme for this month has been focused on COMMUNICATION. The 4 of Rods falls at this time to encourage the exploration of options in maximizing communications, especially if there are issues that need to be rectified. We are urged to embrace that there are two sides to every story and everyone has an opinion. Be brave enough to be able to view both sides with an open heart. The two columns creating the archway on the card’s face symbolizes our unlimited opportunity for this openness. Each side can learn from the other and edify itself through this process.
I personally deem the 4 of Rods the card of self-discovery. As a dear friend of mine once said:
“Life is a process of becoming, and not always a becoming process.”
Although you may feel as if you have been traversing a desert and getting nowhere, know that the 4 of Rods is the hope of changes already in process. Now is NOT the time to abandon the quest. Now is the time to discern with clarity and perseverance that which you see could be blocking your pathway or those things you simply would like to change.
Now is the time to work on the thoughtful development of what’s next. Perhaps it’s not necessarily be the best time to put forth a high degree of physical action, but action from within. If the time is right and great opportunity clearly abounds, approach with clarity, and gently proceed. If not try to rest in the enjoyment of dreaming what’s next and dreaming it with the highest level of greatness possible.
The archway on the face of the 4 of Rods symbolizes gateways to newness. It represents shifts in perceptions, bringing calmness and harmony. Seeped in clarity and stability, the 4 of Rods blesses us by bringing about a more peaceful and harmonious vibration that radiates from within. If we will allow it. Now is an excellent time to do additional soul-searching based on recent achievements, fueling growth, and aiding the allowance of clarity as to what could be the next creation; the next great win!
Take the time to find self-appreciation, and to truly celebrate the true magnitude of all accomplishments great and small. Take a short break, do something luxurious for the self to express gratitude, and to welcome the clarity of what the next project will be.
The 4 of Rods is a card of reward and you are it. Now is the time to focus on all the positive energies that have been created. These could include: positive shifts in business pursuits, relationships, home endeavors, career, or health. Bring about the clarity needed here to see, accept, and be thankful for all achieved and all about to be.
Tarot forecasts are like reading a horoscope in the newspaper or magazine. It is an observation for the general public based on the drawing of one card for every ten-day period of the month. Check in on September 1, 2016 for the next forecast relating to September 1-10, 2016.