Something that I have become aware of over the years doing my work, is that when certain information comes in certain ways, it can be of extreme importance and accuracy. Maps are usually one such aspect that I received with great accuracy.
Several years ago, a client came in and told me he would be moving to Chicago. He was concerned that he would have difficulty finding a place to live there that would be affordable, in a great neighborhood, and that would accept his pets. Immediately a map of Chicago came to me clearly. A red dot showed up on the map to show me the area of the city where he would find housing. I quickly drew a small version of what I saw, including a few Chicago landmarks that I knew would help describe the location.
As the reading continued, Spirit pointed out that it would be a couple, a man and a woman, in that area who would rent to him. Additionally, I was told that not only would these landlords be absolutely fine with the dogs, they would welcome them, and that there would be a special offering from them to make his move so much easier. I’m not quite sure, but I believe I also told him he would find it on Craig’s List, and made some description of the house, as it would be most likely appear..
The very next day, my client returned and told me that he had found the place on Craig’s List, and that it was where I had noted it on the map I’d made for him. It was indeed a couple, a man and woman. They were ecstatic to welcome him and his dogs to their rental property. So much so, that they offered him a free month of rent, and took care of his dogs for him while he returned to his home to make the physical move across the country. I felt so blessed to have been able to guide him in such a clear way.
A few years ago, I was approached by a friend of a friend and client at a psychic fair outside the State of California. He approached asking for information about two missing children who vanished before I was even born. Being a young person himself at the time of their disappearance, my client had always had a sense about the case, and a burning desire to find information to solve the mystery and bring this cold case to a close.
I advised him that the art of finding missing people is something I am NOT especially good at. Having a highly sensitive sense of empathy, crimes are not easy to be a point of focus for me. Having to touch in and feel the feelings of those being harmed is harsh for me emotionally and not what I can do with any ease or great deal of certainty.
I began a reading for him and immediately a great deal of information flowed with ease. Although, there was a poignant point in the reading at which Spirit showed me the vision of a map of an area in question. I quickly grabbed a small sheet of paper and drew a quick, simple representation of what I saw on the map and added the directions at each corner of the drawing. I handed it to my client and advised him this looked to me to be a map of an area of interest.
Approximately two weeks later, I received a yellow envelope in the mail. Inside was a black and white photo, the map that I drew during this reading, which I barely recognized, and a letter. The letter was from this very client. He told me that he had chills at the fact that what I had described was shown to be so close in accuracy. He had obtained an aerial photograph of a location of his interest and had compared it to the drawing I had given him. He enclosed the two to show me the comparison. I too was blown away that comparison of the photograph I was looking at and the simple map I had drawn were so similar in appearance.
I came across the photo and the very simple map the other day in a file, and instantly thought it would be an interesting story to share. I am including the aerial photo and the map I drew in the corner.
To my knowledge there have been no further breaks in this case, which occurred more than fifty years ago. To my knowledge, nothing of significance was ever found at this location. I stepped out on a limb and visited the location with this client the following year, but felt very little in respect to new information about the case.
It’s always thrilling to me to have an experience such as this. As a psychic medium it is always such a reassurance to be reminded of the gifts with which I work and to have them so clearly validated. It’s a great aid of working the psychic senses making future messages easier to perceive and act upon with confidence.
The names, dates, location, and all specifics have remained unmentioned here on purpose, so as to not interfere with any potential future work on this case, long marked as a cold.